Related Phrases :
Definitions of STAGE O COLORECTAL CANCER on the Web:
  • Cancer is found in the innermost lining of the colon and/or rectum only. Also called carcinoma in situ.

Definitions of STAGE I COLORECTAL CANCER on the Web:

  • Cancer has spread beyond the innermost lining of the colon and/or rectum to the second and third layers and involves the inside wall of the colon and/or rectum, but it has not spread to the outer wall or outside the colon and/or rectum. Also called Dukes' A colorectal cancer.
  • Tumor cells that are found in deeper layers of tissue lining the colon/rectum but have not spread to nearby lymph nodes. Also called Dukes A colorectal cancer.

Definitions of STAGE II COLORECTAL CANCER on the Web:

  • Cancer has spread outside the colon and/or rectum to nearby tissue, but it has not gone into the lymph nodes. Also called Dukes' B colorectal cancer.

Definitions of STAGE III COLORECTAL CANCER on the Web:

  • Tumor cells have spread to organs and lymph nodes near the colon/rectum. Also called Dukes C colorectal cancer.

Definitions of STAGE IV COLORECTAL CANCER on the Web:

  • Cancer may have spread to nearby lymph nodes and has spread to other parts of the body, such as the liver or lungs. Also called Dukes' D colorectal cancer.