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Definitions of TROPIC of CANCER on the Web:

  • located 23.5 degrees north of the equator. On June 21st, the sun is directly overhead the tropic of cancer at noon. This is the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere and the beginning of winter in the southern hemisphere.

  • No, it's not another astrological sign. It's the latitude of 23 degrees 27' north. The Tropic of Cancer is the farthest North the sun can go. When it gets there, it's summer solstice for the Northern Hemisphere. This usually happens around June 21st and is the longest time of daylight in the Northern Hemisphere.

  • Tropic of Capricorn A tropic point is the sun's position on the celestial sphere at the time of a solstice. The Tropic of Cancer is the location of the sun at the June solstice and the Tropic of Capricorn is the location of the sun at the time of the December solstice. Note: a solstice is a time, a tropic is a place. ...

  • a line of latitude about 23 degrees North of the equator

  • The Tropic of Cancer (cancer (♋) is Latin for crab) is one of the five major circles of latitude that mark maps of the Earth. This is the parallel of latitude that runs 23° 26' 22" north of the Equator, and is the farthest northern latitude at which the sun can appear directly overhead. North of this line is the Northern Temperate Zone. South of this line are the Tropics. ...

  • Tropic of Cancer is a sexually explicit novel by Henry Miller, first published in 1934 by Obelisk Press in Paris and still in print (Grove Press 1987 paperback: ISBN 0802131786). Its publication in 1961 in the United States by Grove Press led to an obscenity trial that was one of several that tested American laws on pornography in the 1960s.